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Create Website & Mobile App from Imagination and Reach to Audience

Build your desired Website or Application & further expand your idea or business in the world through Qafto's Digital Ecosystem

Let's Start
App screenshot

Build your Website or Application & reach
to your audience in 5 easy steps

Building website or application is much simpler now with Qafto. Reach out to your ultimate audience digitally by following the steps


Choose Your Design

Select a template from our extensive collection to match your vision and style.


Register Your Account

Sign up with your details to get started and access our platform's features.


Customize Your Template

Personalize your chosen template with our easy-to-use editing tools to make it truly yours.


Connect Your Domain & Launch

Link your domain and publish your site with just one click, bringing your online presence to life.


Promote it

Hire professional marketers, influencers, content writers & many more from our Partner Panel to grow your website or application

5 easy steps

1000+ Designs for Websites & Mobile Apps

We have a lot of different Templates for almost all Categories.

Build Custom Websites & Apps for Any Industry

We are trying our best to target every categories people think.

Our Core Features

We have a lot of Features and we are continuously Evolving

Easy to build website and application
With the drag & drop feature, build or customize your website or application easily.
Free Hosting
Get hosting included in the plan & save the extra cost.
Free SSL Certification
Get a free SSL certifcation installed in your Website.
SEO Optimized flow
Each template either of a website or application is SEO Optimized.
Updates notification on Mobile
Get the notifications of website on your mobile phone.
Cost efficient Pricing
With our cost efficient plans, optimize your spending & save more for the future.
Interactive Customer Support
Our customer support team will help you on each stage of your digital journey.
Payment Portal & Delivery Partner Integration
With a one click integration system, connect the payment portal & Delivery partner Api's instantly.
One Click Domain Integration
Connect your domain with in few clicks. No need to work hard on it.
Easy Idea Implementation Mode
With a easy to implement interface, make your idea live digitally.
1000+ Templates
Get thousands of unique templates for every category from personal to business.
One-stop digital Solution
Qafto is a one-stop solution for your digital problems. From building to taking to the audience, all are in a single place.
Responsive Design
Get a responsive website or application design so to get a proper look in every device.

Looking for a Professional to implement your Idea?

Schedule a meeting with one of our Digital Guru & let them help you out in the setup process.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have a lot of Question in your Mind, we will try to cover all.


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